Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Free Your Mind

Human beings possess powers which are, potentially, without limit.  These powers, for the most part, remain unused and dormant, or are channeled unconsciously without purpose and intent, causing all sorts of problems and mischief.  These human powers are spiritual, because all true power is spiritual.  However, they are formulated and expressed exclusively through the human mind.

Is the human mind the power we are speaking of?  No, the power we speak of is expressed through the mind, however it resides somewhere else.  Since the power is without limit, we cannot say with certainty where is resides, or where it is sourced.   We only know that humans, all humans, have the ability to access this power, a power which is not sourced in them, but which they can access and use (or abuse). 

Many people may then ask, “if all humans possess unlimited power which can be accessed through the mind, then why do I not see evidence of it in my life?”

This is an excellent question which deserves a response.  This essay will attempt to answer that question, and others like it.

Gog from Magog

There is an obscure story from the Book of Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39, which details a war against Israel by a leader named Gog from Magog, the chief prince of the land of Meshech and Tubal, or what is today modern day Turkey.  In this story, Gog assembles a mighty horde from the North, and they sweep into the land of Israel to kill and plunder a peaceful people who appear to be completely helpless and vulnerable to the hordes of the mighty prince Gog.  However, what Gog does not count on is that the God of Israel, Yahweh, is protecting the people and thorough Yahweh’s mighty intervention, the hordes of Gog are slaughtered and destroyed.  The story also appears in the Book of Revelation, however the hordes of Gog are extended in that book to the “four corners of the earth” implying that almost every human on the planet is somehow aligned with the Gog confederacy.  However, the result is the same, Gog is destroyed completely and shortly afterward the heavenly Jerusalem descends to earth to establish justice and peace.

If taken literally, the story falls apart because of the logical inconsistencies.  However, if taken symbolically, which I will show was the author’s intention, the story presents to us a master key which can explain why the unlimited power spoken of in the introduction remains largely hidden and unused, or used poorly.  I will show that it caused by the deliberate and intentional deception of the powerful who desire to use our access to this power for their own benefit.  I will also show that it has been going on for millennia, is continuing today, and we may be witnessing the end of its long rule over our lives.

The Master Key

The word of the Lord came to me: 2 “Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of[a] Meshek and Tubal; prophesy against him. (Ezekiel 38: 1-2)

Gog is translated in Hebrew as Mountain, and Magog is translated as top.   Mountains in the bible always symbolize truths, or beliefs which are enshrined and encoded in human society, and the top of the mountain always symbolizes the summit of truth, or the heavens where God (or the gods) live and rule, and where all truth is sourced.  So the author of Ezekiel is telling us, in the first two verses, that Gog from Magog is not a person, but is a system of truth and belief which claims divinity, and therefore desires homage and obedience, and rules the lands to the North of Israel. 

North always represents darkness and ignorance in the bible.  The author of Ezekiel has given us a further clue.  The system of belief and truth which is called Gog from Magog is not truth at all, but ignorance, confusion, and evil, because it comes from the North.  Therefore those who worship Gog from Magog are worshipping deception, lies, and evil. Israel, because it resides in the south, represents true knowledge, true inspiration, and true belief.  It appears to be helpless to stop the hordes of Gog, completely vulnerable and defenseless.  However when Gog invades the land of Israel, he is destroyed on the Mountains of Israel, symbolic of divine truth.  The ignorance, lies, and deception of Gog are destroyed by the truth of Yahweh. Truth ultimately prevails over deception, which is symbolized by the descent of the perfected City of Jerusalem.

The Mind is the Battlefield

Another excellent example of this use of metaphor to explain this phenomenon is in the story of the Tower of Babel from Genesis.  In this story, the Tower represents the desire on the part of the people of Shinar (or Babylon) to build a mountain to heaven, symbolic of a man-made system of truth and belief.  The people are all speaking the same language, meaning they worship the truths being erected, brick by brick, on the Tower as they attempt to conquer heaven, or to obscure divine truth.  However, God confuses their language and scatters them over the earth, symbolizing that divine truth overwhelms the deception that is symbolized by the Tower, and they abandon their project.  God changes their minds by revealing truth, and destroying the lies. He empowers them to walk away from their project of lies and begin their lives anew.

What these stories, and others like it, are telling us is that there is a war, and this war is being waged right now for control of the infinite power within each human being, expressed through the human mind.  This war is ancient, is has been prosecuted by the great empires of the world, and is still being waged today.  To sum, the reason most people do not see evidence of the unlimited power of mind is because they have been tricked, deceived, and are under the spell of those who seek to control their access to this mind-power.  As a result, they are unwittingly channeling their connection to the power into the construction, brick by brick, of the controller’s deceptive tower.  In this way, humans offer their homage, their obedience, and their very lives to the worship of what Revelation calls “The Beast.” This empowers the deceivers and makes those who submit to the deception impotent, and that is why so few people see evidence of this power in their lives because the power is being channeled by the deceivers for their benefit only, and not for those who it was designed to empower.

The war is for your control of your mind. And that is why Gog, Babylon, and the “Beast” appear so powerful because they have fooled and deceived everyone into accepting their truth, and willingly supplying them the power they need to rule.

The Way Out

Jesus said that you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.  He also said that God desires those who will worship in spirit and in truth. 

The Gog system needs everyone to remain obedient to it in order for it to function properly.  Everyone must “speak the same language” as it says in the story of the Tower of Babel.  As George Bush said, you either with us r the terrorists. This can only continue as long as the people remain spellbound by its deceptions, or full of fear of its power.  When people unplug themselves from the system, and refuse to channel their power into it, it will fall. However, the fall of the beast will never lead to real and lasting change unless people understand their power and learn to use it properly.  And this comes from worshipping God in spirit and truth.

This again is a metaphor, and is not a recruiting tool for church membership, which is simply another arm of deceptive Babylon.  Spirit is the power.  It is not ours, humans are only channels of it.  We can abuse it, we can misuse the power, but it is not sourced in us.  The way to use it properly is to understand real truth, to exercise our minds to search for wisdom, clarity of thought, and to express ourselves in love and service to all humankind.  In this way we fulfill our mission on this earth.  If we refuse this mission, then the forces of control will deceive us into living our lives in futility and service to them.  They know this power exists.  They use it themselves like black magicians, and are completely and totally dedicated to winning this war because they know if enough people realize that they have inside them all the power they need to live full, meaningful, happy, and interesting lives WITHOUT THEM, the game is over.  The Tower they are building will be abandoned.  And they also know that if they lose this time, then the game will be over for good.

The Twin Towers

Ironically, the destruction of the Twin Towers on 9-11, which may very well have been an inside job, has heralded the end of the current version of Gog from Magog.  Amazingly, it is the retelling of the story of the Tower of Babel, for those who have eyes to see, and can interpret events metaphorically. While the controllers thought they were deepening their deception by destroying the towers, they instead have awakened many people to the power which has thus far laid dormant or improperly channeled within us all.  People are beginning to speak their “own language” In addition, the controller’s  greed and arrogance, which caused the financial collapse of 2008, has freed up even more people to begin the process of thinking, questioning, and deciding for themselves what is true.  Thus the destruction of the Towers, which could be seen as the conquest of Gog, instead represents a prophecy of the end of his reign of lies.  And the unemployment of millions has given them the free time to learn how to make it on their own, by using the power which lies within.

Question Everything

The key to life is to question, and to discover truth and wisdom and to use this to make a unique and valuable contribution to life. Faith is important, but obedience is not faith.  Unfortunately people equate obedience with faith.  Faith believes in things which are unseen, but it continues to question until those things are confirmed by experience.  Obedience refuses to question, and believes without proof in experience.

Free your mind and the rest will follow.