What if I told you that you have, within you, the secret you need to have a successful, happy, and fulfilling life? That within you is unlimited power to grow, develop, and achieve your personal desires? How would this knowledge change you and the life you are currently living? What doors could this knowledge open for you? Do you think it would be life changing to know you have the power to make your dreams come true?
Now notice I did not say, you have the secret within you to an easy life. Life is about working and earning what you receive, and there is no short cut around this hard fact. Of course, I know you know this, because if you are reading this article, then you are one of the many people out there who work extremely hard, both at your full-time job and at home, yet you feel that your life is far from a dream come true. Some of you may feel like you are literally a paycheck away from total disaster. Perhaps you are a single mom trying to survive on a meager income, never seeming to be able to get ahead. You wish you could spend more time with your kids, you dream of giving them the kind of life they and you deserve, but you only manage to fall further and further behind. Maybe you are a middle-aged man who has been working the same job for years. You assumed you would have your job until retirement as long as you "played the game" however now the rules of the game have changed (funny how "they" get to change the rules whenever they want, without your consent. Does that seem fair?), and your company is contemplating layoffs. Or maybe you just wonder why life seems to have lost all of its joy? Oh yes, you know well that life is not easy, but I'm here to tell you it does not have to be as hard as it is. In fact, if you know how to tap into the power and potential inside yourself, you will transform negative thoughts into positive action, and begin to build a life which is headed in much more meaningful directions.
Ultimately, the purpose of life is to live, and live in abundance. There is no greater truth than this. We have been taught a lie, and that lie is that life is a fight over scarce resources, a war in which every person looks out only for themselves, and competes with others and the very universe itself, for scarce and dwindling resources. However, by simply reflecting on nature, we see that this is not the truth. Our earth provides more than enough abundance for all its creatures to live, to reproduce, and to enjoy their lives at whatever evolutionary level each creature happens to be at. Nature, for all its complexity, tends towards balance and harmony. It is only human beings who live lives of scarcity, extreme competition, and imbalance, seemingly against the laws of nature. The tragedy of this is that it is self-imposed, it does not have to be this way. However, to change this state of affairs for ourselves, it means we have to change our way of thinking. It means we have to change our minds, and this is not easy. After all, who has the time to really spend on changing ourselves? After a hard days work, most people collapse, with barely enough strength to carry themselves to bed at night. It seems too hard. But it is really simpler than we imagine.
A wise man once said a journey of a thousand steps begins with the first one. All problems become easier to solve if they can be broken down into small steps. So here is step one, perhaps the hardest of all the steps, but if mastered it will send you along your journey with a full head of steam, ready to unlock the powers that lie hidden and dormant within you:
Believe that God, the universe, whatever you choose to call the universal structure of our existence, loves you as its child and wants you to be happy, successful, fulfilled, and living in an abundance of good. You must believe, essentially, that life is good in all its manifestations, and is structured only to give you good things and these in abundance.
Notice I did not say you had to believe in any particular God or religion, although if you are religious this can make the first step a bit easier for most. But you do not need to be religious to take this first step. You simply must take it. What have you got to lose? If it works (and it surely will if taken faithfully and with conviction) then you have begun to build a better life for yourself. If it doesn't, then you lose nothing other than a few minutes of your day. Either way, I am certain you will not be disappointed.
Of course, this is only step one. The next steps involve practicing the art of awakening and experiencing all the good that life has for us. Taking these next steps involves researching and finding teachers, books, and programs that can help you unlock the secret potential lying hidden within you. This is where you begin the work of building your life, brick by brick.
Hi Dave,
ReplyDeleteI know Jesus said in John 10:10 "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. (NKJV) Jesus came to give, not to get. I believe Jesus was talking about spiritual abundance not material. There is too much in his teachings about
leaving behind material possessions to follow him and against the rich who have their reward. True abundant life consists of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23) not abundance of "stuff".
When we focus too much on what we don't have compared to others we will never be satisfied and think enviously of what others have and not be thankful for what we do have. In my opinion we need to live a simple life and not gather material wealth in this world where thieves break in to steal. Too many in this country bought into the American Dream which has turned into a nightmare for many..
Hello Sandra,
ReplyDeleteI agree, however all spiritual abundance manifests itself in our material existence as what we need. Jesus commanded us to pray for our daily bread. As Kirk Franklin says "not your greeds but your needs." Our needs are taken care of as we ask for it to be done. Thats abundance.
ReplyDeleteI agree...our needs will always be meant....not our wants. When we allow our ego to dominate than it will always be coveting and wanting what others have and God warns against that in the 10 commandments. I thank God daily for providing for my needs through work and for giving me contentment in my life. Striving for material possessions above what I need is not on my radar screen.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend my friend in Christ....