Most people are familiar with the Book and Movie called The Secret, which presents the concept of the Law of Attraction in a highly styled and compelling manner, like a real life Da Vinci Code thriller. If anyone is unfamiliar with it, here is a video link, so take 20 minutes or so to watch and then come on back:
The Law of Attraction is real, there is no doubt. However, I believe it is being presented to the public in a naive, simplistic, and dangerous manner by the creators of The Secret. For one thing, the makers of The Secret present the "universe" as a mindless genie that must obey your every thought and whim, both positive and negative. This means that if you are rich, you deserve it because of your amazing ability to manifest material benefits, and if you are poor and destitute you brought this on yourself through negative thinking. While there is truth here, it is shrouded in faulty logic. This explanation of The Law of Attraction also provides a wonderful justification for the hoarding of wealth by the rich, and the injustice of poverty. It is an error, and a dangerous one that can lead to people feeling guilty because of their negative thoughts, and overly proud because of their success. It has the potential to rob people of their mental freedom and health, as well as their money of they purchase the self-help products they make available.
In a sense, the creators of The Secret want you to believe that each person creates their own reality. This is illogical for many reasons. For one thing, if you want to call something a Law, then there must be a Law Giver and an Enforcer of the Law. Now, this is not necessary with Laws of Physics per se, because they are observations of the physical universe, like gravity etc, and could exist independent of a Law Giver. But, the Law of Attraction assumes an intelligent universe of consciousness and thought, therefore it is different. And if the Law of Attraction presupposes a Universal Intelligence, then we cannot be the creator of our reality, the Intelligence is, since we need to use its Law to manifest. We can perhaps participate, we can vibrate in tune with the Intelligence of the Universe, but we can never be the creator of our own reality, the Law Giver is,since it created the law.
Lets look at it another way. Lets say we really can create our own reality using the Law of Attraction, that the Universe MUST obey our thoughts, emotions, and powers of visualization, and manifest our deepest desires. Then, we must admit one of two things: First, if humans really can create their own reality, then one could imagine a person manifesting a reality where he or she desired the Law of Attraction out of existence completely. This is absurd, but the makers of The Secret want you to know you can manifest ANYTHING you want, good or ill, and it will come to you, including potentially wishing away the very Law we need to manifest! How could we manifest with a Law we can potentially manifest out of the Universe? Unless we are the Law Givers, the Intelligence behind the Universe; in short, each of us are GOD. This appears to be what the creators of The Secret are saying; that humans are godlike beings who can create through thought anything they desire, good or bad. (Sounds a lot like the tree of the knowledge of good and evil). We know that is not true, because The Secret tells us we need to use the Law of Attraction to manifest, so we are dependent on the law. Only the Law Giver can be God in this sense, because he is the source of the very thing we need to use to manifest our desires. Second, if there is a God, and God created the Law of Attraction to answer our every whim, or to respond to negative thoughts, then we must question divine intentions. After all, there is so much suffering in the world, so much pain and death, so much injustice by the rich and powerful against the poor that a truly intelligent and compassionate Law Giver would not allow the law to activate in this way. If true, then the people of Hati brought the earhtquake upon themselves through negative thought. That is absurd and a blame the victim mentality, besides, they could not ALL have been thinking negatively. If the law existed in this sense, we would have to conclude that the Intelligence behind the Universe is competitive, disinterested, detached, perhaps evil, and truly takes sides with the wealthy and powerful agaainst the poor and destitute. Yet how can this be?
It cannot. As I stated before, the Law of Attraction exists but at the command and whim of a loving Law Giver who ensures that it works for our ultimate good. God is in control, not us. When Jesus was in the desert, he was tempted by the devil to turn stones into bread. He refused, because he knew that the Law of Attraction can not be used in a selfish and materialistic manner,and even if it could, it would destroy the body, mind, and soul of the person using it in this manner. Jesus said many times that his Father knows what we need, and will give it to us of we ask in the right manner, and for the right reasons. We cannot call down woe by negative thoughts, or abundance by positive thoughts ALONE. God ensures that we learn the lessons we need to learn, and protects us from the effects of our wrong thinking.
Henry Thomas Hamblin presents an excellent and balanced view of the Law of Attraction from His Book Dynamic Thought. I offer an excerpt below:
THERE has been a lot of nonsense written and spoken about the Law of Attraction. People have been solemnly taught that all they need to do is to adopt a certain mental attitude, think thoughts of success and abundance, and then to sit and wait for abundance of all good things to drop from the skies at their feet. The folly of it is seen when we find that these teachers of "abundance" and "opulence" have themselves to work for a living, by teaching the very thing which, if true, would save them from all necessity of working.
Supposing it were true, then what is possible for one would be possible for all, and if all adopted this method of getting a living then who would till the soil or make our clothes? Would everything we need. come from the skies?
Even if these were true and man could draw all that he needed by the power of thought from the blue vault of heaven, then no one would have anything to do, life would become stagnant, and the race would perish from inaction.
Life is action, and if a man ceases to work he at once begins to disintegrate and soon requires six feet of earth wherein to cover his bones. When business men retire they quickly die, and those who, being born with riches have no necessity to work for a living, have to find work and interest of some sort in order to prevent themselves from mental and physical decay.
There is no such thing as getting something for nothing. The principle of the "square deal" runs right through life and the Universe. A business man who tries to get something for nothing, who, in other words, fails to give value for money, finally finds himself without a customer. Those who try to evade this law by creating trusts and combines will find that their ill gotten gains will be confiscated by a power greater than themselves. The "square deal," reasonable profits, fair wages, honest straight-forward business integrity, all these will succeed and continue to succeed, as long as there remain people to do business with; but the "ring" or "combine" or "trust," squeezing its swollen, dishonest profits out of the life and blood of the common people, can only do business so long as the community allows them to. All who read history know what has been the fate of tyrants in the past, and there is no reason for believing that the profiteers and extortioners of the present day will fare any better.
Even if, however, a man can filch a fortune by unfair means, i.e., by not giving good value for money, by extortion or profiteering, he will lose in one direction exactly in proportion to that which he gains in another. Let him make a fortune by sharp practice; let him snap his fingers and sneer at integrity and honor and universal law; let him rejoice at what he has done; let him think himself a fine, clever fellow; nevertheless nemesis awaits him. He will lose in love, peace of mind, happiness and health in exact proportion to his dishonest gain. He makes money, granted, but he loses that which money cannot buy. The writer has known men to be happy until they became wealthy, then they became of all men the most miserable. He has known to be healthy while they were comparatively poor, and full of sickness and trouble when they became passing rich. There is a Law of Compensation running through life and the Universe and you cannot avoid it. If you are to succeed you must work and accomplish; if you are to receive the riches of the world you must give of your best in exchange.
"Then give to the world the best you have, And the best will come back to you."
This is where the Law of Attraction operates, not by your sitting still and expecting the impossible to happen, but by the giving in faith and confidence of your best efforts to the World. By calling upon your hidden powers, and by creating powerful thoughts, you attract to yourself armies of thoughts of a similar kind, which passing into your subconscious mind are translated into actions of the highest type, the type that glories in achievement, and that wins Success. Thus if you give your best to the world, then in the form of a rich and abundant success "the best will come back to you."
These people who expect to be successful without working for it, take, many of them, great comfort from John Burrough's famous poem, the first verse of which is as follows:
"Serene, I fold my hands and wait,
Nor care for wind, or tide, or sea;
I rave no more ’gainst Time or Fate,
For lo! my own shall come to me."
Never was a sublime truth more perfectly expressed, but its meaning is the exact opposite to that which the "no work" people attach to it. It does not mean that we can literally sit and "think," without effort, good things into our lap. Instead, it describes the mental attitude of the man of faith--the man who believes he can succeed. Having adjusted his mind to the correct attitude, he is serene and calm, knowing that his efforts in the objective world of effort will be successful, owing to his mental world being in tune with all the higher cosmic forces. These words therefore represent the mental attitude of a well poised, confident man, and have no connection with his physical life. Such a man owing to his mind being at peace, is always capable of the best and highest effort. It is those whose minds are at rest who work the best. Therefore those who think that they can become successful without translating their thoughts into actions, are deluding themselves.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
The Power of the Spirit
We have been lied to by our parents, our schools, our religious leaders, and our government. In some cases, (like in the case of our parents) they did not mean to lie to us, because they themselves have been lied to, so they simply repeated the lie. They thought they were helping us, but they are trapped in error, and their errors have unfortunately trapped us as well. The biggest lie they have told us, the Satanic lie of all lies which has been with us for millenia, is that human beings are weak, fragile, and cursed by a God who is involved in an eternal war with evil. This is the lie called dualism, which claims that there are two equal powers in the universe, a good power, which we call God, and an evil power, which we call Satan. These two powers are claimed to be involved in an endless, eternal war in the heavens, and this war has made its way onto our earth as a result of the Biblical fall of Adam and Eve. As a result of this fall, each human being is cursed at birth to be a participant in this war, whether they like it or not, and fated to choose either the so-called "good" side, or God, and the so-called "bad" side, or Satan. Depending on which side you choose, or are pre-destined to choose as some theologians would say, God and Satan each give rewards to their faithful human soldiers who fight for them in this material realm. For example, Satan is said to be the "Prince of this World" and as such he rewards his followers with earthly possessions, power, and money. God, on the other hand, often allows his faithful ones to suffer greatly at the hands of Satan's followers, in order, we are told, to test his followers faithfulness, and reward them with something greater. This reward is called heaven, a magical realm which a "good" person goes to after death and is rewarded by God with anything their heart desires. In both cases, the Gods portrayed are Autocratic Kings who will tolerate no dissent, no mistakes, and expect their followers to remain faithful to be considered as "worthy" of the rewards they will give. This theology is most clearly expressed today in the theology of Fundamentalist Christianity and Islam. Ultimately, fundamentalist Christianity and Islam believe that God will eventually triumph over Satan and his wicked followers in a display of divine fury so horrible that the earth will run with the blood of the wicked and the good, and the Earth itself Will be swallowed up in disasters both natural and man-made. However the faithful ones, the ones who fought, suffered, and endured misery for God in this life, or who believed the "right: creeds and were members of the "right" religion, will be rewarded by being "raptured" or removed from the carnage that this God of vengeance will wreak on his enemies. Finally, God will cast Satan and his wicked followers into a Lake of Fire and Brimstone, where they will be tortured for all eternity, and the faithful of God will get to see them being tortured mercilessly for their personal pleasure, apparently as a reward for having endured great misery in this life. And the most disturbing aspect of this theology is those who hold faithfully to it will tell you that God is Love.
There are so many problems with this theology that one barely knows where to begin commenting on it. However, that is not the aim of this particular essay. The purpose of this essay is to expose the lie of dualism, and offer the truth; a truth which God in his mercy, love, and compassion has revealed to me over the past year. You see, I have been trapped in the lie of dualism for my whole life. I believed I was following God, and I suppose I was, but it was a God of my own making, a God I wanted to please by forcing myself to be perfect, but I never could. One day, I realized that it was impossible to please this God because such a God does not exist, and the belief in this God was what was causing me to fail so miserably, and give into temptation. And here is the truth I discovered in the midst of my misery: human beings are not weak, fragile, cursed and doomed to a life of war, disease, global destruction, and finally eternal punishment. Human beings are, in fact, intimately connected to the infinite life of God, and this connection makes each of us potential heirs to the infinite and unlimited life and power of God. All we have to do is to realize it, and put it into practice in our lives, most notably through prayer and meditation. We believe we are weak, powerless, and doomed to suffer and die because that is what we have been taught, and this error expresses itself in our life because what we believe becomes real. The more we believe it to be true, the more real it becomes for us. However, once the lie is revealed, the truth sets you free. The truth can be expressed in this simple statement which is so self-evident I wonder how I could have missed it: Evil is not real. Evil is a part of our experience because we give it power by believing it will make us happy, and give us good things. For example, people kill out of desire for power, revenge, money, things which are perceived to be good and can be acquired and taken by force, if necessary. Nations engage in this type of behavior all the time, (note the phantom called the War on Terror, which is so clear a proof of this truth as to be funny. How can you fight a war against an emotion?). No one commits an evil act for the sake of desiring to be evil, that is absurd. Therefore, the only true reality is God, and God is Infinite Perfection, Good, Love, Joy, Happiness, etc. Evil is a phantom, an illusion, and this perceived war between good and evil is also a phantom, a mirage, a ghost of the mind. As Jesus said, we shall know the truth, and the truth will set us free. The true battlefield is in the mind, and once that is changed anything is possible. The power of God that we are connected to is so great, Jesus said that faith in this power as small as a mustard seed can give a human being the power to move a mountain by command. However, because we believe we are small, weak, limited, sinful, and doomed to die, we do not believe Jesus when he says this, even though he and his true followers throughout the ages have demonstrated this truth for all to see. No perceived limitation could stop Jesus, not disease, social and economic status, even death. He overcame everyone of them, and told us we could do the same if we only believe.
There are many scriptures which support this truth, which is why the churches have attempted to control the scriptures, or leave people ignorant to its symbolic meaning and trapped in a hopeless fundamentalism. However, The Creation Story of Genesis Chapter One expresses this truth clearly and beautifully, once one has the knowledge necessary to see it and understand it. Specifically the following passage expresses it with full clarity:
Genesis 1:26 (New International Version)
26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, [a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
This passage explains the true nature of humanity, what we were created for, and the life that God planned for us all to live in this planet. It also gives us hints about the nature and purposes of the divine. However, many people either have never read this passage, or fully understood it, or simply do not believe it is true. Often, this is because most people get caught up in a literal debate over the contents of the story. especially the fundamentalist and the atheist, who only see the literal word and therefore fail to understand its symbolic meaning. In order for the passage to be understood, it cannot be taken literally, because its true meaning will always be missed. However, the symbols are easy to understand if you look with spiritual eyes, and they reveal a God who has empowered all of humanity with his spirit, enabling us to live as Kings and Queens on earth.
In the entire text of Genesis Chapter One, we see that God speaks and creation is formed exactly as it was spoken. We know from experience that humans also can speak and certain things become real, like a leader giving a command. Is it then our ability to speak that distinguishes us as made in the divine image? Yes, but it is much more than this. Because before a word can be spoken, it has to be conceived of in the mind and consciousness of an individual. And, before something can be created, it must first be imagined and planned again, in the mind and consciousness of a person. Therefore, if we are a reflection or image of God, and we have mind, consciousness, speech and creativity, we can conclude God has to be infinite mind, infinite intention, infinite consciousness. We are the image of God because we contain spirit in the form of mind and consciousness, but it is an aspect of the divine mind, a flicker of the divine flame. It is not ours to command alone, because our mind is a reflection of the divine mind; our consciousness and creative faculty must obeys certain rules and laws, and cannot exist fully without a rooted connection to God. God is the source, and this source is infinite.
This is the source of our great power, the Power of the Spirit. We have heard a lot lately about the law of attraction, and there is great truth here as far as it goes. However, the law of attraction only works if it is rooted and connected to the Law Giver, the Creator, who established the law of attraction to reward the righteous (right thinkers) and punish the wicked (the wrong thinkers). If your mind is not right, then the law of attraction will bring corrective lessons until you learn that a tree without strong roots is doomed to die. This is why as a race, we experience evil, because we have allowed error to invade our minds and the law of attraction brings it into existence.
This blog is about my journey to tap into this Power, to become more rooted in God and to unfold the image God within me. Everyone has a unique role to play in life as a unique expression of God, and we were designed to bring blessing,goodness, fullness of life, good health, abundance, love etc. to each other in a divine symphony of love. God created everything and said it was good. Evil is an illusion, a painful one for sure, but an illusion nonetheless. God wants you to be happy, healthy, full of positive experiences, and living an abundant life. All you have to do is realize it in your mind, root yourself in God and God's immutable laws, and wait for the demonstration. The Kingdom of God is within you. This is the power we have, and the power I claim in Christ.
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