Friday, December 17, 2010



Things are speeding up. As we approach 2012, the spaceship earth is approaching hyper-speed as we all prepare to make a quantum jump into the next age. Information is accelerating. The powers that be, which wanted to create a war of Gog and Magog to stop what is happening (a colossal blood letting caused by the wayward Sons and Daughters of Abraham and Ishmael) failed, although they continue to hope for their blood letting. However, their time has passed. They missed their window of opportunity to control the singularity, and they know it. Not that they could control it, but each must play its part in the divine drama we call life.

What is happening? I cannot be sure, but I believe what is happening is that the collective mind, the vast cosmic reserve of 26,000 years of human thought, experience, pain, joy, etc is reaching critical mass. The hard drive is full, to use a computer metaphor, and the operating system we call humanity is in need of an update. God, the universe, (whatever you want to call it) is wiping the slate clean, and something new and very different is on its way. In many ways it is already here, but it will take time to fully take effect.

Will this happen in a instant on 2012? Not sure, and really I don't care because its happening right now. What makes the whole thing challenging is how will folks react to the change that is coming. How will the whole thing play out? I think it depends on the individual really as to how it plays out, because we will be transported to a place beyond time, as our HIS-story meets GOD's-story and is transformed, "in the twinkling of an eye."

The Norway Spiral is a sign. A dimensional door is opening. Will we drop our preconceptions and fearlessly face the future?