Thursday, June 28, 2012

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The World as it Is

Have you ever wondered why human society is so messed up?  Have you ever asked yourself, why, of all the creatures on earth does one, humanity, strive so mightily and completely towards chaos, destruction, unhappiness, and oblivion? Is there a flaw in our design?  Are we insane as a race?  Is there an answer to this problem?

The answer may lie in the Book of Genesis.  This book has been discredited by both secular atheists and religious fundamentalists, both for very different reasons and different motivations, which is unfortunate (and designed that way, I would argue) since it provides a fantastic insight into the central issue which is at the root of all human problems. Genesis describes this central issue as the human desire “ to be gods, knowing good and evil.” Traditional theology sees this as humanity’s original sin, and so it is.  However, it is not sin as we have come to understand it, as a personal bank account of faults and failures which God deliberately keeps track of in order to punish rebellious human beings, which can only be withdrawn by believing a strict religious creed..  It is the reality that some human beings, particularly those given the titles and position in human society have designed, through the manipulation of thoughts, emotions, access to scarce resources, and the beliefs and religious practices of large groups of people,  to create a world system designed to directly benefit the powerful at the expense of the many.  This is what the bible calls “the world” this imaginary system of human society which is always breaking down, blowing up, and causes such misery and unhappiness.  And this is the “world” that Jesus came to destroy, and replace with the Kingdom of God.

This teaching is expressed beautifully in Dostoyevsky’s Grand Inquisitor:

“for the first time it has become possible to think of the happiness of men. Man was created a rebel; and how can rebels be happy?”

For the Inquisitor, Genesis’ statement about the human desire to be gods is rooted in humanity’s rebellious nature, which he claims was the way they were “created.” In other words, the Inquisitor is laying the blame for humanity’s rebellion, its desire to be like god at the feet of God.  And since God designed humans so poorly, they can never be existentially happy; they will always fail and be miserable.  The Inquisitor is ready to fix the flaw in humanity’s design. He concludes that human beings can only be happy if they are kept in a state of childlike obedience to a powerful central authority, who takes on the responsibility of wrestling mightily with the existential problem of human freedom and rebellion.  Going back to the Grand Inquisitor:

“Oh, we shall persuade them that they will only become free when they renounce their freedom to us and submit to us. And shall we be right or shall we be lying? They will be convinced that we are right, for they will remember the horrors of slavery and confusion to which Thy freedom brought them. Freedom, free thought, and science will lead them into such straits and will bring them face to face with such marvels and insoluble mysteries, that some of them, the fierce and rebellious, will destroy themselves, others, rebellious but weak, will destroy one another, while the rest, weak and unhappy, will crawl fawning to our feet and whine to us: “Yes, you were right, you alone possess His mystery, and we come back to you, save us from ourselves!”

While the Inquisitor is blaming God, his statements reveal who is truly to blame: a secret cabal of leaders, like himself, who believe themselves to be gods, who know best what is good and evil and as such have the right to rule in order to ensure the happiness of the human race. 

This is the reason for human misery.  This is the reason for the chaos and unhappiness which plagues our world.  It is this secret cabal of self-appointed gods, who seek to deceive, to control, and to create a mystical world of illusion which will bind humanity to their service, supposedly for “our won good.” And it is this world system that Jesus destroyed.  It is time to claim that victory now.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

2012 The Road to Freedom

I believe that 2012 is offering all of us a chance at freedom.

What do I mean by freedom?

 I can only answer it from my perspective, and my understanding.  For me, freedom means having the opportunity to take charge and control of the direction of your life, and being offered the means and opportunity to head in the direction which will offer you the best chance of achieving long term success and happiness.  As it says so well in the Declaration of Independence:  “ All men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with the inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”  Freedom means every person is recognized as having these rights, and the conditions of human society are such that they are given opportunities to achieve them. I don't know about you, but this is the world I want to live in.  This world is getting ready to rise form the ashes of the collapsing world system we inhabit right now.

Currently, Statist and Economic planners are trying to limit the freedom of individuals to determine the direction of their lives through the mechanisms of economic and government control, through fear, endless war, and surveillance. While many people are rightly outraged by this, and worry about the creation of a Orwellian super-state, it will not come to pass.  Without going into too much detail, quantum uncertainty makes it impossible for any long term planning success because there are too many variables to deal with, and most remain hidden from the eyes of the planners.  Also, quantum uncertainty also makes it certain that the larger and more complex something becomes, the more likely it is to break down, causing a chain reaction of failures.  So while the planners may achieve short term success, over time their success will quickly transform into widespread failure, which will be compounded by their arrogance and hubris, causing overreach.  This is what is happening to the once vaunted American Empire, and the Divine Comedy that is the Euro Zone.  This of course means economic and social collapse, which most people fear, however we need not fear this, for this is an opportunity.  As the powerful and the greedy continue to try and save their doomed system, and as they invest more and more “debt” into their military and economic killing machine, they will quickly bring their system to the point of no return.  When they do, the garage sale will begin, adding even more uncertainty to the system.  

 Soldiers will be called home and laid off, with no job prospects.  Unemployment insurance will be stretched to the max.  Local governments will have to cut back on basic services, education, police, fire, and homeland security.  Surveillance budgets will be slashed, leading to longer lines in airports, and TSA layoffs.  Businesses dependent on government money for military and security contracts will downsize, or go out of business completely.  No one can say for sure what will happen when unemployed police, soldiers, and other security specialists are faced with the prospect of perpetual unemployment.  I would guess it will mean armed insurgency, sabotage, and the creation of a thriving black market.  The planners will find themselves increasingly surrounded and cut off, and many will flee the country.  As unrest deepens, people will start to lose it.  It will appear that everyone has gone insane overnight, however it will pass.  And when it does, something new and wonderful will replace it. 

This is not the end of the world, it is the beginning.  For those who understand the principles of life and success, for those who remain centered on divine principles and the principles and laws of mother earth, they will be offered a chance to start their life anew, to be reborn into a life of power, achievement, overcoming, and freedom.  Rejoice because God is making all things new.