The Hollywood awards season has begun, illustrating once again that many people still believe that wealth, fame, and power are the only true measures of a successful life. Many people rarely stop to consider whether this belief is true, because this generation is rarely exposed to the truth. Advertising, television shows, movies, and other forms of media, fill us with a mountain of propaganda designed to enchant us with their vision of what they consider real, and what their definition of true success is. Their vision becomes for us a dream, one that haunts our minds and hearts, and soon becomes a way of life. This way of life, however, can cause harm. Many reality TV shows illustrate this fact, especially shows like Jersey Shore, which celebrate ignorance, conflict, sexual promiscuity, and alcoholic excess, all in the name of wealth, fame, and power. This type of behavior is what passes for truth today. Is it any wonder there is so much despair, suffering, and violence? Is it any wonder that people today are lost, like sheep without a shepherd?
The Bible teaches as a man thinks in his mind, so he is. What a person believes is true determines what type of person they will become, and what sort of life they will have. What our generation accepts as truth is not simply an intellectual idea, it becomes a way of life. Unfortunately, this way of life is ultimately destructive for many reasons, not the least of which is that it is fundamentally unattainable for the vast majority of people. Why? Because it is based on an illusion, it is a Hollywood and Media creation, with very little basis in fact. Without overstating it, many in our society are coming to the conclusion that this may be true, that the packaged truth of Hollywood and the media is designed to keep us trapped in an illusion. They look for a scapegoat: is it the Illuminati, the Church, the Government, Minorities, Illegal Immigrants, Islamic Terrorism? Maybe its all of them together, who knows? Sometimes, like in the tragic Arizona shooting, certain people become so cut off from reality, that they refuse to consider reasonable arguments, and accept even more extreme forms of untruth. One evil spirit leaves and 7 worse spirits come back and take their place. And as Our Lord said so well, the state of the person is worse than it was before.
However, there is another mountain of truth, a city which sits on a hill and shines its light on the wilderness of untruth. If we have ears to hear, and eyes to see, we will resonate with it and when we do we will, for the first time, truly live. We will, for all intents and purposes, be born again.
In order to hear this truth, you do not have to join a church, or confess your sins in front of a stadium full of people. You do, however, need to repent(which means "change your mind", not confess your dirty laundry), and believe that God loves you and wants you to be happy, successful, and live a life of complete wholeness and abundance with him in this life, and the life to come. You need to believe that the power that the multitudes seek is not out there in the world, but is instead inside each one of us, waiting to be unleashed. This power is called many things, however for Christians this power is the Power of the Spirit, the Christ, the Word that was made flesh and dwelt among us. This is the truth that resides inside each of us, waiting to be activated and released. The world sees you as simple, unimportant, and anonymous but you are not that in the eyes of God. In Gods eyes, you are a potential Son or Daughter, an heir to the Kingdom and Glory of the Creator of the Universe. You are special because of who you are, not because of what you do or what you have. When you accept this truth, and act on it, the heavens are torn open, and the Spirit of Truth alights upon you like a dove. All other unclean spirits and useless lies are swept away as you begin living a life of power, overcoming, joy, love, and peace. It is at this point that anything becomes possible, because you have been reborn as a child of God.
Jesus of Nazareth taught that if one does not love truth more than everything else in their life then they were not fit to call themselves his disciples. The Psalmist tells us that some trust in chariots and horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God, which is another way of saying we trust in his truth. Truth is the Word made Flesh, the Christ, the One Who Came Down from Heaven. The multitudes in the wilderness of this generation are given food to eat which brings death, affliction, and suffering but those who truly overcome eat the bread of the Christ, which is truth, the true Manna which came down form heaven. This truth opens the door for true success, overcoming, abundance, and peace. It gives life, and overcomes death.
We have been lied to. We are being lied to. However, the truth lies within. Seek it and you will find it and your life will never be the same
Very well written Dave and I agree with everything you wrote. It is nice to realize that there are others out there reflecting on the the truth of Christ and what is required of his followers. We do need to rise above the manipulation of the mass media and these superficial shows. They just don't interest me and I really don't care about their awards, what they wear or how much they are worth. I am not interested in making a lot of money in this life time and never play the lottery. Enjoy living a simple life of service and working on spiritual growth in the Lord. I get confused with society on how they are so down on banks and corporations but will not do anything to get free of them. Children wear the brand names of the corporations on tshirts, pants and shoes and it is considered fashionable not realizing that they are a live billboard of advertisting for corporations...
ReplyDeleteSometimes I feel all alone in my thoughts on the world and what is required of us and than I read something like this article and I have hope that others really do understand why Christ came and what he requires of all of us. Keep up the good work my friend in Christ. ♥
Amen Dave! That was a joy to behold and a great blessing.
ReplyDeleteAll glory to God, and when the outpouring begins and the power is unleashed, it will be amazing.
Speaking of the golden globe awards last night, did you hear the guy at the very end of the program thanking everybody say, 'And thank you God for making me an athiest?' Could barely believe my ears, but not really surprised by it at all.
Yeah, can't wait for the end to this system of things. Out with the old and on with the new.
Just one question Dave, if I may please. How does the Power of the Spirit get unleashed?
Sandra and FF,
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading I appreciate it. Its amazing how removed Hollywood is from reality, but it is built on illusion so I guess that makes sense.
FF, I cannot imagine what would possess a person to blaspheme in that manner. However, I cannot say I am surprised, because Hollywood is Babylon, which means confusion.
As far as how do you unleash the Spirit, may I recommend you continue to read the scriptures and reflect on how the Spirit is represented, the qualities of the Spirit, but especially FF pay attention to the symbols used to describe it (dove,fire, etc). Once you have unlocked the meaning of the symbols (peace, joy, love, overcoming, victory), then meditate on them because what we meditate on we become (as a man thinks, so he is). As you meditate, imagine these qualities as being given to you as gifts form God, for they are the gifts he gives to his children. Then you will see the manifestation of the Power of the Spirit in your life. I will be doing a post on more specifics later, but that is a Good Start. Also, you might want to check out HTH's short work Life in the Spirit, but that is up to you.